Book Review and Giveaway!!

**This contest has ended. Visit this post to see who the winners are!** 

Happy Spring! (I’ve been waiting to say that). What better way to start of the season than with a giveaway?!?!

                                                       Baby Gizmo

I have been given the privilege of reviewing The Baby Gizmo Buying Guide by Heather Maclean with Hollie Schultz. I not only get to review the book, but I am also giving away four copies! That’s one, two, three, four!

Here’s what to do:

  1. Read the review.
  2. Realize how much you want/need this book.
  3. Enter the giveaway by leaving a comment (rules listed below) by the end of 02 April.
  4. Either win the book or make other means of acquiring one.


The Baby Gizmo Buying Guide is a comprehensive, complete buying guide for everything you think you ever might need for your baby (and things you might not have known you needed): newborn through toddler-hood. The authors are experienced moms who know what works, what doesn’t; what you need, what you don’t; what you’re going to want, and what you’d find you wasted money on. I am amazed at how much information is packed in here.

The book is set up with baby “gear” in chapters, listed alphabetically for easy finding. The last part of the book includes:

  •  a section of abreviated (yet detailed) listings of each chapter for quick reference (for when you’re standing in the aisle trying to make an informed decision).
  • a dictionary of every baby gadget on the planet
  • product recommendation guide (must have, nice to have, don’t need)
  • brand pronunciation guide (great for those of us not well-versed in Italian baby gear)
  • money saving tips
  • a comprehensive index

One of the coolest things in the book are the charts at the beginning that show what you’ll need at your baby’s various ages and stages. It’s here where you’ll start to figure out what you’re going to need and when you’ll need it.

Something that is important to every good parent is the safety of their children. The authors cover this in the very first chapter. They make sure you know what is safe and unsafe for your baby, what products should not be shared, passed down or bought used, and how to stay on top of recalls.

Each chapter covers the baby gear in a specific category. Each product gets a rundown and you get the lowdown on what you need to know. The authors explain what the product is, how you would use it, why they like it, why they don’t, why baby will like it, and what will annoy baby about it.

That information in and of itself is good enough. The extras in the chapters are like icing on the cake. They give tidbits like:

  • other names the product might be known as
  • appropriate age range
  • months of usage you’ll get out of the product
  • if it’s necessary, a nice to have, or not needed
  • when to buy it/register for it

At the end of each product description there is a section for you to make your own shopping notes. Your notes along with the “features to consider” should be good ammunition when buying.

*Special note: The authors do not endorse or promote specific brands.

Here is how I’d use the book (and I will soon because we need a convertible car seat):

What product do you want information about? Look it up in the table of contents or index. Read about it in the chapter. Then go to the back of the book and read the abbreviated section. Make any necessary notes before you get to the store (and do any internet research). Once at the store reference the aforementioned sections making more notes on what you find. Purchase the item of your choice knowing you made an informed decision. Save lots of money not purchasing items that aren’t necessary.

Do you want to know what you should have on your registry? It’s in here. Do you want to know what style diaper bag is the best? It’s in here. Do you want to know how to pack that bag for maximum efficiency? It’s in here. Do you want to know what toys are best for your one-year old? It’s in here. Which highchair would be best for baby? It’s in here. I couldn’t think of any baby gear that wasn’t included.

Baby Gizmo will be a great book to have whether you’ve had dozens of children and are pregnant again or are just thinking about getting the baby-making process started. Baby gear changes almost as often as we should change baby’s diapers, so new and pertinent information is always necessary.


I am giving away four copies of The Baby Gizmo Buying Guide. The contest will end on 02 April 2008 at midnight. You do not need to be a blogger to enter. You need to have an American mailing address because I will be mailing these via USPS Media Mail. At the end of the contest I will pick four winners at random with a random number generator. Once the winners contact me with their mailing addresses I will mail out the books.

Here is what you need to do to enter:

  1. Leave only one comment on this post. Your comment needs to include what baby item you couldn’t live without and what item you ended up wasting your money on.
  2. That’s it!

Published by NotSoSAHM

I'm a photographer and homeschooler Dream = travel blogger. We move around every couple of years. That's fine, I love seeing different parts of our great country and the world. Great things: Jesus, traveling, photography, eating, sewing, scrapbooking, reading, shopping...not necessarily in that order.

38 thoughts on “Book Review and Giveaway!!

  1. The baby item that I could not live without is the jogging stroller. With both of my children we used it SO much! The item that I wasted my money on was one of those cheap baby carriers that you strap on your back. I used it once and it was uncomfortable.

  2. baby item you couldn’t live without: baby stroller
    what item you ended up wasting your money on: baby clothing; the baby got lots as gifts and she didn’t fit into some of them.

  3. Oh what a fabulous sounding book! The one baby item I couldn’t do without is WIPES! I love baby wipes. I totally wasted my money on a swing. All three of my kids hated it. I don’t know why since so many kiddos loved it!

  4. This one is easy…I think I used up and abused my Boppy. My son was a pretty slow nurser, so I think my arms would have fallen off if it weren’t for the Boppy. So comfy!

    And the item that was the most useless? The fancy, hi-tech rocker/bouncer that had built-in speakers that could play off an iPod. This my hubby picked out, and would have been great, if munchkin hadn’t been born only 5 and a half pounds…

  5. I couldn’t live without my ErgoBaby Carrier and I totally wasted my money on the Bumbo and swaddling blankets–My baby hated both! She pretty much vetos anything that is confining.

  6. I used my bottle warmer a lot, but ended up unplugging my wipes warmer and just used it as a wipes container. Its nice to have, especially when babies are newborn and you don’t want to upset them with a cold wipe. But if you can do without, cross it off your list, or borrow one/buy a used one.

  7. I couldn’t live without my boppy! And I wasted money on pregnancy books when I first found out I was pregnant. All you need can be found on a variety of baby websites anyway.

    thanks for hosting!
    nifferjeno at gmail dot com

  8. I couldn’t live without my Boppy. And I wasted my money on the
    Bumbo , he loved it for about a month then once he started to sit up and move on his own he hated it. Thanks!

  9. My son is going to be turning 1 and it seems like he has everything he needs and then some and with his special 1st birthday coming up this would be great.

  10. I can’t live without our Ergo. We carry him around the house sometimes when he’s fussy. We wasted money on a Pack n’ Play he was going to sleep in because he has ended up in our bed.

  11. Oh – this book sounds great. As for baby gizmo’s, definitely thr ultimate crib sheet – what a lifesaver to keep us from changing the whole crib in the middle of the night!

  12. I could not have gotten through the first couple of months without my vibrating reclining bouncy chair. Not only did my son sleep in it often (when he wouldn’t sleep anywhere else!) but I still use it when I want to do dishes or get a bite to eat. He sits happily in the chair with a toy and gives me a few minutes to get things done. I wasted a little money on those foam sleep positioners which were never needed and never used.

  13. I couldn’t have lived without my Baby Bjorn. I used it so much with both my daughters. And I thought I would swaddle my second more than I did, so I wasted $$ on lots of sleep sacks and various other swaddling items.

  14. The item I couldn’t live without was our Bumbo seat. We didn’t really buy anything I thought was a waste of money, however our crib was a huge waste of space. Would have been a waste if we paid for it… we never used it, she slept in her swing the first 5 months and then we co-slept. The only thing the crib was good for was storing clean laundry that needed to be folded.

  15. I couldn’t have lived without our swing. I’m so glad we bought the style that plugs in because we would have gone through a LOT of batteries. The Bumbo was a waste of money for us. I’m sure it’s great for most people, but my daughter was a very early crawler, and we only used it a half dozen times before she figured out how to climb out of it.

    beccachristensen at hotmail dot com

  16. Could not have lived without the Boppy pillow – such a lifesaver in our early breastfeeding days. Wasted money on clothes! We had so many he didn’t even wear all of them before he outgrew them.

  17. Surely wasted on a cheap bouncer…if you are going to get one…spend some money!! Hmmm…My favorite are waterproof sheet covers for the crib…no more 2 am changing the whole crib…just the sheet!

  18. I wasted my on a designer potty chair, my daughter prefers a $10 potty seat adapter. I can’t live without my baby carriers: slings, wraps and mei tai- they were all helpful.

  19. wow… i could not live without the double stroller.. could live without the sling… we have twins, and 99% of the time i’m on my own… lol.. couldn’t do both on slings… lol..

  20. I loved my AVENT microwave sterilizer for bottles, pacifiers, and pump accessories. It was so easy to use and fast! We wasted our money on clothes… we put away so many outfits that still had tags on them.

  21. i could not live without our baby swing. both my sons loved it! unfortunately though i totally wasted my time with the highchairs. we had bought one for easch boy and neither would sit in it! it was so much easier to feed them in the stroller. go figure huh?

  22. I love our changing table. Everyone told me that I would be wasting money, but it is perfect. I really did not care for boppy. I think that I used it twice. Not it is taking up space!

  23. Wasted my money on the infant stroller (my baby lived in the sling until she was ready for the umbrella stroller which is MUCH less expensive), but I couldn’t live without the Deluxe Sleepnest!

  24. I absolutely love my zolo wear sling, hooter hider and pack n play but I could have done without the diaper genie (i know have a diaper champ and love it) a boppy, and bathtub (never used it always bathed in sink or in a bath sling).

  25. I couldn’t have lived without the bjorn carrier, it was so much easier getting around with my son than using the stroller. However, next time I think I’ll try to find a carrier with better back support.

    I think we wasted a lot of money getting specifically baby dressers and things from Babies R Us. That furniture is so overpriced compared to the cute, affordable things you can find at regular furniture stores!

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